Traduceri de nume localitati romanesti in engleza
Adunatii Copaceni - Gathered Tree People,
Afumati - Neversober,
Baicoi - Youball,
Buhusi - Boo,
Buzau - Really Fat Lip,
Calarasi - Silly-dressed Folks on Horses,
Ciorogarla - Nigger-River,
Constanta - The Steadiness,
Dor Marunt - Miniature Melancholy,
Husi - Shoo, Navodari - Networkers,
Onesti - The Sincere,
Pitesti - Youdohide,
Satu-Mare - The Rather Roomy Rural Community,
Slatina - Slut Tina,
Slobozia - A Very Wrong Local Tradition,
Târgu Frumos - The Aesthetically Pleasing Bazaar,
Urlati - Gimme Some Noise, Voluntari - Town of Unpaid Assistants
[Banc trimis de: Gigi]
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